For the recently preggy out there, if there are any of you reading this, this is about being pregnant and some of those weird side effects it brings. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. The First Trimester: You may not know that you're pregnant until you realize you haven't had your period since.. maybe you can't remember. Maybe a little test kit confirmed it for you with a faint pink line next to a clear pink line. What you might feel: -constant sleepiness, sluggishness and general laziness, this will probably show on your face too -a frequent need to pee -feeling bloated -weird mood swings, being weepy or irritable -"morning sickness" not necessarily in the morning. This doesn't happen to everyone. For some it lasts longer, for others its a vomiting episode or two, and some just feel obligated to feel vomity. -your boobs might be sensitive or achy -your sense of smell may be at par with your dog. You smell everything and not everyth...
Musings and shared thoughts of a still new mom, newer wife, even newer homemaker on weekends and full-time regular employee. Quick tips on life from a regular girl.