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Showing posts from November, 2013

My Hospital Shortlist: 5 Hospitals Down South

I'd like to share the hospital room rates Medical Center Paranaque gave me and some room rates of nearby hospitals in the south.  Medical Center Paranaque (where I will be giving birth anytime now) Honestly the hospital looks old and tired and if my doctor hadn't assured me that the staff are capable I wouldn't think twice about scrapping it from my list.  I do know that a lot of the doctors here are also doctors who have clinics at the pricey Asian Hospital though.  The staff are in their late 30s and 40s unlike the young staff at Asian and St. Luke's.  Its old, stuffy, the parking is not well planned at all and they are currently renovating some parts which makes the place look even more tired what with all the cut out holes in the ceiling but it was recommended by my doctor and it fits the budget.  This is also the hospital where my brother would go way back when he would have asthma attacks some 15 years back.  Private Room 2 (Newly Renovated): 2960.00 per da

Baby boy or baby girl? And ultrasound rates and commonly asked questions.

We had our 37th week ultrasound last Monday.  We were so excited to find out the baby's gender and could hardly keep ourselves from asking while the doctor took the baby's measurements.  Finally baby is in the correct position for birth!  =)  I guess the sloshing down of lots of water, stretching, talking to the baby (and bribing him or her with toys if we save money from doing a normal delivery instead of c-section and of course prayers worked.  After all the measurements, the doctor then proceeded to determine the baby's gender by scanning the top part of my tummy.  He moved the ultrasound wand over the area several times, tried shaking the area (which was a little painful) and tried waiting for the baby to move but alas.. baby decided to cross his or leg just enough so we couldn't really tell! After a 10 minutes of shaking, and squirming around we gave up.  At less than 3 weeks away, it'll just feel like an eternity waiting to find out if we're having a b